You know the feeling you get when you tick multiple items off a list instead of one big task? That’s my secret method to staying productive through this pandemic. 


While I have absolutely no pressure on myself (or anyone else) to come out of this pandemic with a new and improved self, a new skill, or business idea, I personally know I feel better when I’m busy, slowly achieving and chipping away at bigger goals. I can’t sit down and wait for this all to end but that doesn’t mean I’m operating at a high frequency either.

I’ve given myself freedom to be. By that I mean, I wake up and check in with myself each day. I asses and acknowledge the amount of energy I have to expend, what (if anything) I need to feel ok, if I need rest, take some time for myself or if I have more energy and motivation to tackle some bigger tasks. 

Something to remember though, the current climate is extremely exhausting and overwhelming, it’s taking a toll on each and every one of us, whether you have realised it or not. This is not our normal and we can’t expect ourselves or others to function at the same level we had previously. It’s ok to slow down, to rest and to sit with your inner self.

OK, the secret method I mentioned. Many of us are working from home and struggling to seperate home and work at the moment. Because of this, I’d suggest using it to your advantage. Any given morning I tick off roughly 5 - 10 things before I sit down to start my workday. The tasks may seem tedious and insignificant but if you start to notice them, you can use the feeling to steer you through work. For example, on any given day I’ll get out of bed, make the bed, feed my furbabies, make breakfast, put away dishes, make a coffee, play with my furbabies, put on laundry, train, shower and get dressed for the day - (tracksuits or active wear mostly). When you break it down, yes they are every day tasks but they are still achievements. After doing these small tasks, I already feel like I have achieved several things and when I sit down to work, I feel ready to tackle more tasks. I’ve also realised that if you complete two or three tasks in a day, that is enough right now. Some days I get through my emails, finances and one part of a project. It’s enough.


Every one is different and we all stay productive or motivated in different ways. I’ve found what works for me right now and you can take or adapt any of the below to see what works for you!

A few methods I use every day:

  • Instead of trying to complete one big work task, break into smaller, identifiable tasks that can be slowly worked through and ticked off a list.

  • Set specific times to check your emails and action tasks.

  • Schedule face-time or video calls with co-workers, family or friends for a work talk, coffee break or catch up. We are social beings and the outlet can be a good reset button for your productivity.

  • Avoid social media or set time aside to scroll through otherwise it’ll be an endless distraction.

  • If you have the ability, create a specific work only space. It may only be a chair and/or table that you work from but having a set ‘work only’ area, space or piece of furniture will help distinguish work and home.

  • Take breaks! Coffee breaks, cuddle or play breaks, a nap, go for a walk, train or do a workout, get some sun, anything goes here. Remember your work day look significantly different and you still need to interact with others, take time away from projects or tasks.

  • Look back on tasks you’ve achieved and acknowledge the progress you’re making.

  • Eat your meals or snacks away from your desk

  • Check your list regularly and remember to tick off tasks

  • Find an awesome and uplifting playlist to play in the background while you work

  • Ask for help when you need it


Something I’ve recently found helpful is having a routine that signifies the end of my work day. For me it’s taking a warm shower and putting on comfy warm clothes. It’s simple but has really helped to end the day, refresh me and help relax in the evenings.

Remember, this isn’t a productivity or best improved contest. This is a pandemic. It is unsettling, confronting and extremely challenging. Take time to process, to slow down, to rest and to enjoy the little moments of joy surround us in daily life.

Please also reach out if you’re struggling and need someone to talk to or need help. Just because we’re all isolated doesn’t mean we can’t be there to help one another.


